Speech Therapy

Treatment of speech defects and disorders, especially through use of exercises and audio-visual aids that develop new speech habits.

Common Condition

1. Stammering is it Deases ?

Stammering is not a disease but a habit of speaking in a wrong way which is not by birth. It is due to shortened breath because of some reason during childhood. The breath is shortened for the following reasons;

  • Physical weakness due to any kind of disease
  • Any kind of fear,
  • Imitating other stammerers,
  • Accident or mishappening

The breath is shortened due to the above-mentioned reasons and you start speaking with pauses. You do not want to speak with pauses, but not knowing the reality, and you try to speak more and more in a shortened breath. Speaking in shortened breath increases your speed of speech and start speaking with pauses. Speaking with pauses is ‘Stammering’

What is the Psychology in stammering?

Anything happens always casts its impression in your mind. Speaking with pauses since childhood casts impression in your mind that you are a stammerer. This is psychology

Some children after growing up give more attention on this problem. The words which are frequently used in the speech, you feel more uncomfortable due to high speed and stammer more. Ultimately you select these words as problematic words

Treatment of stammering is not available in most of the places in India. Only the person who remains affected due to stammering in his life, can understand the problem and research on it.

2. MIS Articulation is not a disease

Mis-artculation is not a disease but a wrong habit developed during childhood. Children start speaking by imitating elder members of their families. In the beginning whenever children mis-articulate, parents and other family members should correct their pronunciation by repeating words. Parents and family members who correct the pronunciation of their children are successful in curing them and those who do not, their children become habitual of mis-articulation.

Children who mis-articulate are having normal tongue and other speech organs. However there is a mis-conception among some people that mis-articulation is due to the reason that tongue of such children is stuck somewhere in the mouth. If a person can move his tongue out of mouth then there is nothing wrong with the tongue.

Treatment of MIS-Articulation

Candidate are taught about correct pronunciation of words and then practiced regularly in the Centre. Speaking correctly regularly, he becomes habitual of talking correctly.

Treatment of Stammering

There is no shortcut method to cure Stammering. However, Therapy will help

  • To learn about speech organs and their role in easy speaking.
  • Removing the psycho-fear of Stammering by analyzing the mistakes step by step and developing normal speech habits and a positive attitude.
  • Total behavior modification.
  • Fluency maintenance

Before we start our therapy program, we initially diagnose the case; for that you need to visit our speech & physiotherapy center at Vasundhara Ghaziabad. We assess the case and test him/her on our predefined methods and programs. This assessment helps us to plan the Therapy.

Following is our Therapy.


Period of Treatment

If your child is of the age of 5 to 8-9 and stammers, you should come to the center with the child for 5 or 7 days only. You will be explained about the treatment and the practice methods so are to able to treat your child at home.

If your child is of the age of 10 to 15 years, then you should come to center for 20 days only, In the Centre child will practice for 20 days in your presence and you will be able to understand the treatment completely (speaking correctly without stammering). Your child will get cured up to 80% to 90% during the period of 20 days and the rest of the practice will be done by the child at home. Speech Therapy says that the patient must be the Specialist of the Subject. If the patient is a child then his father and mother should be the specialist of the subject.

If you are more than 16 and can visit alone, then you may come to the center. You can meet the students first and get satisfaction. If you have a shortage of time, then you may come here for at least 10 days, to become the specialist of the subject. Sincere and intelligent students, after learning the treatment procedure can continue practice at home and cure themselves fully. If you have enough time, you should come for the complete course of 30 days. Psychology may be lesser, but your habit of stammering is 10 to 15 years old and your breath and speed are unbalanced. We suggest that for 100% success, the full course of 30 days should be taken. Hardworking and sincere students become satisfied in 20 days.

Your Questions & Answers

If you have selected problematic words your psychology is more than 30% and if not selected, less than 30%. Those whose psychology is less than 50%, do not stammer while singing and if they stammer on problematic words during singing, psychology is more than 50%. This is how you assess your psychology.

Due to your high speed of the speech, you try to speak out 4 to 6 words in a single go which we term as a four or a six. Your tongue can not go for four or six letters at a time so you stammer on the first letter of the word.

Stammering is due to shortened breath, high speed and psychology. While starting singing, you take full breath, speed is controlled, and attention is towards the tune of the song. That is why you do not stammer while singing.

Because a stammerer despite of having all capabilities cannot perform fully which give him feelings of frustration, anger and discontentment

Whenever we try to hide this weakness and speak correctly, more stammering occurs. Because in this situation your mind becomes more attentive towards this problem and due to fear you become uncomfortable resulting increase in the speed of the speech. That is why you stammer more in front of strangers, higher officers, ticket windows, telephone, mobiles etc.

Stammering not due to hereditary. However if some of your family member is a stammerer and becomes angry frequently, a child by imitating him and due to his fear become habitual of stammering. Therefore, some people consider it as hereditary.

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